Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ah, Summer, What Power You Have To Make Us Suffer And Like It. -Russel Baker

Well, this summer is my very first summer from home! I am currently in my boyfriend Leonard Francis's living room, on the couch, just blogging away! I'm stuck here, for the time being, because my aunt and cousins decided that I couldn't stay at their houses over the summer after all. I am in desperate search of my own apartment at a reasonable price (pretty much impossible here.) So for now, I'm just chilling at Leo's and working at the Moab Valley Inn. I'm a front desk clerk. I'm sure I'll have adventures to tell, because very interesting people come to Moab. :)

I am updating this blog with some pictures from the last semester. :) This is our trip to St. George to Red Cliffs canyon.

me: oo. nice muscles.
leo: you like? here let me flex em!
megan: wow! they are like THIS big!!

this is me taunting leo.

this is us when he caught me after i tried to run away.

This is our trip to Zion with Megan and Leo's next door neighbor girls.

This is my new blonde hair!

Chandis and I hiked Angel's Landing in Zion. It was amazing.

This is me about to JUMP OFF A CLIFF!!!

I brought Leo home with me for Easter to meet my family! It went quite well. :)

This is Leonard's masterpiece egg.

This is my masterpiece egg.

Travis fell asleep this way: scratching is back, playing a game on his ipod, and texting. BAHAH!

Easter Morning!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sunday, September 26, 2010

stud weekend.

soo i once remember rob telling me that he wanted me to date his brother just so he could see what i would put about him on my blog. HA! well..i did...and here i am blogging....i have come to tell you the story of My Stud Weekend And How Life Got To Be This Way. so there i was. innocently doing my teller work when rob says to me "you should go on a date with my brother. you could wear him in and be his first date back from his mission." i considered deeply before replying, "i think i would freak him out!" rob says "you think you would freak him out?" and i say "yeah i'm a weirdo!" in reality i was scared to go on a date with Mysterious Rob's Brother, cus he would probably be too cool for me and then tell rob that i was immature or a weirdy (which he already knew anyways so i don't know what my deal was).
Anyways, so in the end it wouldn't have worked out anyways since i was moving and the brother would be out of town.
Well...then came that fateful day. Actually it was just another normal day at work...i was helping all the stupid/slow/angry/indecisive members and sitting next to becky. i was probably thinking about 'duck, duck, BRICK.' anyways, as i considered that violent but potentially hilarious game, this gorgeous specimen walks into the branch. he asks for rob. that is the moment when my jaw drops.
"no way. are you robs brother?" "yep." "the one that just got off a misison?" "yeah!" i just stare at him for a second. ok, ok i was checking him out. "it is SO nice to meet you." " is so nice to meet you too."
*awkward staring moment*
*tricia blushes and goes back to the computer and pretends to be doing something.*
this is turning out to be a really long story and i'm kind of getting sick of telling it. so i'll summarize the rest. basically i add scott (that turns out to be his name) as a friend on facebook...and he accepts my friendship (YESSS) and then i spend weeks stalking him. so in a moment of mutual stalkership, he sends me a message (apparently he was stalking me too.)...we talk...he give me his numba'... i go home for the weekend and we end up going on a date and it was way fun. :) then he came here to visit me this weekend.
i got evidence on several occasions just to prove it really happened, incase any of us (myself included) ever doubts my luck.
dos lavios son como el agua y o tango sedth. hehehe i probably didn't spell that right.
the first day we went to discovery park and played sardines with a bunch of random people. that was hilariously fun. as you can see...scotty is the better lookin out of the two of us.
so if we were playing the "who got the better deal" game, i would DEFINATELY be the one with the better deal. and i am GREAT with that.

then yesterday we went to sand hollow resevoir...we swam around...jumped off cliffs....soaked up the last bit of summer...

then we went to my home and we watched iron man...he is pretending that this picture was taking while he wasn't looking but i KNOW he was posing and tryin' to look hot.

this (above) is my favorite picture of us. i loooovveee when he wears his hat backwords. hahaha even if i do look like a dork, i still think it's great. do you see how white our teeth are? we look great. daaaaang

what a great guy. i loved every minute of this weekend!! :( it was really sad when he had to leave. oh he told me "it's not like it'll be two years." true that. only three weeks. haha anyways...since this blog is PRACTICALLY my journal i just had to update. heart bubbles.

September 20, 2010

Trina is the awesomest sister ever.
katie, marla and i hear no evil, see no evil, and speak no evil.

this is me...making bread like the future housewife that i am.

We crimped our entire body.

This is me and marla...i'm eating a present.

Austin is a real live vampire. I am a real life teeth model.

Watch this... well just watch the bear in this next three pictures.

I believe that with this photo in my portfolio, i have a REAL chance of becoming a toothpaste model.

School books are SCARY. :D we are at the SUU library, see!?

I came home for the weekend, and this is me next to "breakfast 2010," where katilyn, marisa and i went to herriman lake in the morning to eat donuts and orange juice. it was fun except being attacked by a team of angry wasps!!

apparently this is our appartment motto....and this is jessica scared to "get some." ironically, only two of us really "get some," (myself included.) but don't worry it's totally clean. at is with me heh heh

sooo my cousin colten thinks he's a fifty's boy...and i love i borrowed his totally gorgeous leather jacket.

This is kaitlyn and i at the tim mcgraw concert!!

and this is us before the concert...throwing crackers out the window and into other cars!! WOOOOOO!!!

Girls camp...there is (starting from the back) kim, ariah, me, addie, and tara.
sooo sjondel and i went shooting one day, and i was prancing up the hill to set up a target and BAM i step on a peice of wood with a nail sticking straight out. then i SCREAM bloody murder cus i literally got nailed to a piece of wood. and it hurt, dang it!!