Saturday, May 21, 2011

Moab Trip, July 2010

so this week my family and i took a three day trip down to moab. it was the BEST. i absolutely LOVE MOAB. it is by far my favorite place on earth. with little to no competition. here's the pictures!!

this is us on a hike!
left to right: Mom, Dad, Trina, Travis, Trey

Trina and Travis where the water comes out of the crack in the wall

we were taking a break because it was like 100 degrees outside
and we thought we were going to die. what a great hike though!
Trina and I. Trina was mad because mom wouldn't
let her make a weird face. LOL!
Trina never makes a normal face i don't think. but i love her!!!

now we are looking at the heiroglyphs up on the river road wall.


I thought these were the coolest of the heiroglyphs. cute little people
holding hands, paperdoll style.

After that, we went to this amazing cabin. it was SOO big, and exactly
what i want my future house to look like. down to the wood floors. i'll make
a blog about it, i took TONS of pictures.

This is my dad and my uncle Mo. I LOVE MY UNCLE MO!!

I love my Aunt Shauna too. It is Me, Aunt Shauna, and Trina. At the cabin.
The rest of these are Trina and I making faces on the way back from the cabin.
Trina is like my best buddy. i LOVE my little sister!
Anyways, i believe this face is us scared of cows something.
what it would look like if we were getting punched in the face.

We would look like this if we were concealing a weapon. i look pretty lethal don't you think?

just farted in the elevator (just look at trina's face.)

one of those pictures where you keep doing weird things with your face and then take the picture randomly. JUST LOOK AT ME!

Another one of those random face pictures
angry at the cows for blocking our road. you can see my uncle in the
background trying to get a cow out of the way.
While we were in moab, or on the way out anyways, we decided to visit dead horse point. If you don't know the story, i'll tell you. cowboys would round up the poor little wild mustangs, put them on this penninsula of cliffs, block of the neck, and then leave them there. They'd come back and pick out their favorite horses, but leave all the rest to die because of thirst on this waterless little desert island thing. EVIL. anyways, the view is great!!

mom, trey me

me, trey,trina, travis, dad

travis, trina, dad


dad travis and trina again

this is the view. is it not incredible??

my dream home slash the cabin we visited in moab

i really truly love this house with all of my heart. :D

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