Saturday, May 21, 2011

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

working is just...prodigious

working is an adventure.

there's sweet members, funny members, angry members, peaceful members, enthusiastic members, nervous members, and best of all, stupid members.
i just love the ones that nervously peek at me at my station.

and ask me if i'm open.

"why no, all the lights are on, and the door isn't closed, it's not even CLOSE to seven, and i am sitting here waiting for someone to help, but i'm not open. thanks. have a nice day."
or how about indecisive members? not only can they be freakishly tall, but also annoying.
"no problem lady, let me just get that for ya."

"here ya go. Have great day!! :D"

"i hate you."

occasionally we even get a creeper member. Like hand masoose guy.

"Have a wonderful day sir. Goodbye."


umm....this is the part when i motion in the tackling guys to turn this man's wheelchair upside down for being such a weirdo.

but i would never really do that. work i get to meet ALL SORTS of people!!

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