Saturday, May 21, 2011

Senior Trip, June 2010

back in june we went to st. george for our senior trip. That was me, kaitlyn, marisa, and megan. It was AMAZING!! the picture below is at the top of emerald pools, where we swam in a little pond. we also floated down the virgin river on these tubes! WHAT an adventure! this was probably actually my favorite thing that we did. i LOVE that river.

later that night we went to the tortoise reserve in st. george, and then on the way home we took this picture with the whole city in the background. it was amazing.

ummmm yeah so on the day we went to zion....we, well I, locked my keys in the trunk of my car. So we had to go call up a police man so he could use that little air thing to wedge the door open and unlock my car. funny, he said i was the third car today that did that, and it was only nine thirty!!

this is the top emerald pool again. gorgeous and fun! thats marisa, me and kaitlyn.

when we were on the bus, there was this old lady who kept telling us to "yoohoo!! SHHHHH" and so i was really getting annoyed and so i threw my water bottle at her. it turns out that it hit her square on the head and knocked her out. i was also yelling at this time, so they had to call the park ranger. he put me in cuffs and escorted me out of the park.

Just kiddin. this was when he came and unlocked my car heh heh.

i loooove hiking. megan, marisa, me.

we found a party store in st. george, and decided it would be best if we dressed up like this. i actually did put sombrero on the packing list...but nobody brought one.


kaitlyn and marisa on the sinclaire dinosaur!!
anyways, this trip was amazing. i really want to do it again next year. and also, i miss my friends with a passion of a thousand suns.

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